Monday, 1 January 2024

Why Transvestigate?

 Many people take one look at the whole subject of transvestigations and ask "why are you wasting time looking at that fruit loops crap?"

OK, I have to admit I was a bit dubious to start with, in a world of psyops it didn't seem like top of the list. And like all psyops it's playing both sides using controlled.

Pamela Anderson

It's a massive rabbit hole, and once you start seeing trannies you can't stop seeing them. No I don't think EVERY actress, celeb, or female athlete is a biological male, but clearly about 90% of them do not have what is considered typical female proportions. 

With wide shoulders, big square jaws, and no hips, they look like very few women I've ever seen. Transvestigation is a process of checking a series of measurements and attempting to work out what the true gender of the person in question really is.

It's not about saying "this actress has an Adam's apple so she must be a man" Very few people get a 20 out of 20 score (there are about 20 measurements typically checked). Indeed some women do have a slight Adam's apple. 

Personally I'm a male with a female digit ratio, but I also have XXL hands and size US14 feet (and I'm not a tranny just because my index fingers are too long). It's more about saying "this actress has an Adam's apple, a square jaw, a brow ridge, huge hands and feet, a sub 10% body-fat percentage, no arse, no hips, no curve in her back and an Adonis belt so let's do some further checking".

Cameron Diaz