Tuesday, 20 February 2024


It's not ready yet, but I'm compiling a new post with the marks of a man. This is the intro:

One of the most controversial topics online at the moment (apart from the covidhoax) is TRANNIES. I make a point of using the word “TRANNY” because it triggers LIBTARDS and WOKETARDS, and I also try to put some key words in CAPS because that seems to trigger them as well, which is always a bonus.

Now by the term “TRANNY” I’m referring to people who are playing the role of appearing to be the inverse of their biological gender. One of the more approved words for people with this MENTAL DISORDER is “TRANSVESTITE”. I’m not referring to the transmission systems in cars, which are also called trannies by some mechanics.

The subject has opened up over the past few years, and some TRANNIES are now widely accepted as being MEN IN DRAG, like Michelle Obama (AKA Michael Robinson) but Holy Jesus, even that glaringly obvious example took a decade before most people saw it.

The next level of trannies are also reasonably obvious, but still a big stretch for most NORMIES. The more obvious ones include European royalty, Hollywood actresses, American “first ladies”, “female” pro athletes, and many “female” politicians. These are mostly Male To Female TRANNIES (MTF). There are also some Female to Male (FTM) TRANNIES but those are rarer and generally harder to spot.

Part of what makes all this more confusing is that as part of the psyop a lot of “TRANSVESTIGATORS” are actually controlled opposition shills. One of their key tactics is to repeat the mantra “EVERYONE IS AN INVERT” so claiming that pretty much all celebs of any sort are trannies. This is utter bollocks, but it damages the credibility of real transvestigators.

For example, some of them are even claiming male body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger are biological females. These sort of moronic claims remain uncensored on mainstream platforms while proper transvestigations are usually taken down hard.

Arnie in this old photo doesn’t appear to be packing much heat, but otherwise has no female features apart from lack of body hair, and that would be waxed or shaved

Transvestigations are another one of the key psyops designed to create uncertainty and confusion (Operation Chaos), and because many people have been reacting fairly badly to this new area of confusion I recently promised several friends I would try to do a blog post with a simple checklist to make this all a bit easier. Depending on what categories were included and how they were split up, the number could have ranged from as low as 10 right up to about 30.  The choices of which measurements and characteristics to include is fairly arbitrary but the used ones are all fairly easy to spot and may be significant, particularly if a lot of them occur together

Just because a person has a few of these characteristics (Except for #1) it by no means proves they are a biological male. The typical sort of score of the suspicious looking “females” we are looking into, is at least 10, and usually more. So it is pretty high really. Recently I watched a Korean movie (Parasite, 2019) and all the female actresses would get a very low score as far as I could tell. That NEVER happens in recent Hollywood movies. Never…