Saturday, 8 February 2025


This whole TRANSVESTIGATE thing is a huge psyop, but seeing how bent out of shape people are getting over it, sometimes I'm honestly not sure if exposing this stuff is exposing the globalist agenda or assisting it...

While there is a long history of men pretending to be women dating back hundreds, if not thousands of years, this current trend of saying "EVERY CELEB IS AN INVERT" is another play both sides deep state psyop. Some certainly are, but by no means all.

This guy from Metallica is married to Lars Ulrich

A lot of the feminisation of men (and masculisation of women) is due to modern inputs such as toxic foods, rather than sex changes. But there is a lot of deception going on as well

I'm not obsessed with this subject, although I do find it a fascinating psyop. So I keep posting about it, but I do think it's important to have a few laughs and not take it all too seriously.

Throbbing Gristle are getting really weird these days!